Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Feelin' the love

Thank you for all of your kind words of encouragement. I find a lot of comfort in knowing that I am not alone in this. I have been a reader in the blog world for a long time and now that I have found my footing, I find being a blogger to be quite therapeutic. A lot has happened today! Here's an update:

1. I took M to his physiotherapy appointment. It was a huge ordeal getting him out of the house and into the car but we did it. We arrived at the appointment only to be told that they didn't like the look of his incision (it has been bleeding on and off) so they sent us to his surgeon's clinic. I load him into the car again and then roll up to the clinic parking lot where a snarky looking women informs me that it will be $4.00 to park. I realize, especially living where I do, that $4.00 is relatively cheap parking for an afternoon but in this case she only took cash. Shit. Do you think that I could scrounge up $4.00? Nope. She made me promise to pay on the way out and in we went. Four hours later...her head is turned and I do something my goody-two shoes conscience will hate me for...I drive right past her booth and step on it. That's right, folks. That's as reckless as I get. Running out on $4.00.

2. We found out that M will be non-load bearing for not 3 but 6 whole weeks. Sigh. Nurse K is on duty, bedpans and all.

3. We actually called my MIL to ask her to fly across the country and help us out when I go back to work next week. I think I have a death wish.

4. S took his cheating-ass bitch of a wife back. This may sound positive but wait...this is the 3rd affair in a 4 year marriage aaaaaaannnnnd she tells him it's his fault for not satisfying her. I don't even know what to say except that I hope I never meet her in a dark alley.

5. I have the cutest cats on the planet and they are one of the only reasons I have to smile lately. This WILL get better.


Happy said...

They are cute!

Jendeis said...

So cute! I'm sorry things are stinking right now. Hope that things begin to improve very soon.